Monday, August 27, 2007

We're Home

We are finally home with beautiful baby Jameya. Our short time in Ethiopia was remarkable and so is our brand new baby girl. We just spent 24 hrs flying home from Ethiopia to Vancouver and the only time Jameya fussed is when we woke her up from a dead sleep to get off the plane(and even then it was for about 15 secs). She is remarkable and has made our transition into parenthood very easy. We will post a lot more info and pictures in the near future. Thank you everyone for all your support in this process. It was definitely worth every minute.

Monday, August 20, 2007


We are finally here....and all the papers are in!!So we hope to see Jameya today or tomorrow. Will post pics and everything soon. Love to you all. WE CAN'T WAIT TO HOLD HER!!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Going Soon.....

Well, the papers will be in on we should be going soon....will post soon and let you know!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Still here...but have booked a ticket..

Well, we are still at that means that we didn't get the visa last week :( We are HOPING for this Friday. We have actually booked a ticket for Saturday the 18th. Let's hope we can go. I don't think we can wait another week, minute or second to get Meya!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cross your fingers.....pray......bring us positive energy....anything!!!!!!!!!

Well Jason and I are REALLY hoping that tomorrow will be our lucky day and that we will get the news that we can go and get out baby Meya.....but if it's not they think that it should be next Friday. So, please send all your positive vibes for us tomorrow ( you don't have to all day, just like one or two minutes when you wake up!!!!! :) ) We are SO ready to go - everything is bought, organized and ready -now all we need is Jameya!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAMEYA! (another one too many without you..) is Jameya's 5 month birthday and I thought FOR SURE that we would all be together to celebrate her 5 month and my 32nd bday together....unfortunately that is not the case. So today, as any day, I am sending all my thoughts and energy to my little girl on her birthday. I can't wait to meet you little one....I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I know that I will have a great birthday with my friends and hubby who are all joining me up at our summer cabin. I just wish that Meya could be with us. Soon I hope - SOON............

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Getting Closer...but not close enough!

Well, Jameya had her final medical done for immigration last week ( all good!) and it was sent back to the we basically have to wait for them to issue that darn visa and off we go. We are REALLY hoping for August 10th - the 3rd would be great too because Leah's bday is on the 4th, and what a bday present that would be: "Happy go and get that beautiful daughter of yours!!!!!!!!" So for the next few Fridays, we will be sitting very close to the phone and will post as soon as we know anything.