Sunday, July 29, 2007

Getting Closer...but not close enough!

Well, Jameya had her final medical done for immigration last week ( all good!) and it was sent back to the we basically have to wait for them to issue that darn visa and off we go. We are REALLY hoping for August 10th - the 3rd would be great too because Leah's bday is on the 4th, and what a bday present that would be: "Happy go and get that beautiful daughter of yours!!!!!!!!" So for the next few Fridays, we will be sitting very close to the phone and will post as soon as we know anything.

1 comment:

Ian Yoon said...

It become hopeful more and more. I believe you will come back soon. And We will graduate level5 at Aug. 9th. We finished graduation tests today. Next Monday is B.C. day. we'll do to a field trip next Thuesday and have portluck party in Bunzen Lake next wednesday, and the last day will be next Thursday. Thank you again for your kind teaching.