Friday, March 23, 2007


IT'S A GIRL!!!! Mimi Jameya Sanford was born on March 3rd. 2007 in Northern Ethiopia. We got the phone call on March 12th at 3:30pm. She was named Mimi by either the medical clinic or the orphanage....we want to keep that as her first name....someone chose that name for her and we don't want to take it away from her. After months and months of looking up Ethiopian names on the internet (ie. Wuba, Haregoing, Tisket, Meskret and so on) she is named MIMI!! We are going to use her middle name though..Jameya. Nicknames already created! MJ (thanks Murph!) Meya, Meme (Leah's personal favourite) and Sanny! Hopefully the hockey boys won't start calling her Shags! We plan to go to Ethiopia in the next 10-12 weeks. We will keep everyone posted when we get any news. We are right now waiting for her little cute photos. We are SO excited and thanks to so many of you for all your well wishes. Look comes another Sanford....but with a little (well.....maybe a lot!) more colour:)

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