Thursday, May 3, 2007

SHE'S OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Monday, April 30th Jameya became OFFICIALLY OURS!! We got the call in the morning to tell us that everything went well in the court, and that Jameya's birth mother came and signed all the papers. We are very lucky, because we only needed one court date. We are planning on leaving in the next 8 weeks....the sooner the better!!!! Will keep all of you updated. And thanks to all of your nice emails, cards and messages that you have sent us..they mean so much, and we have kept them all for Jameya to see how much she was loved before she even arrived in Canada! Thanks again...we love you all.....


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for the three of you. Hang in there, you will be together before you know it!
Lots of love
B & G

debbie said...

Leah, when I saw you last night, I must have missed hearing the good [official] news about Jameya. So now she's a Bennett-Sanford- poor thing! May the next 8 weeks just fly by.