Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Answer to a few questions

Hey everyone, just letting you know we are still awaiting Jameya's visa. Leah is finished work now and spending some down time at her family's cabin trying to relax before we get the word that we can fly to Ethiopia. We have been getting a few questions from people and thought that if they are asking them, there are probably a lot of other people asking the same questions so I thought I would answer a few.
1. If Leah is not working why doesn't she go to Ethiopia and wait? At least there she could be with Jameya?
Trust me, if it were possible for Leah to go to Ethiopia and spend her days waiting with Jameya she would be on the first plane out of here. Unfortunately, due to orphanage, and to a lesser extent, canadian immigration rules, we are not allowed to see Jameya until the visa is issued. There are a lot of reasons behind this, but it would take forever to mention them.
2. Whats the hold up?
As any of you know who have been trying to get a passport recently, things do not happen very quickly. We are just waiting for Candian Immigration to go through all of our adoption papers and all of Jameya's papers in order to issue her a Canadian Visa. Unfortunately there is no exact time lines and basically when they get it done it will be done. We are now hoping that July will be the lucky month.

Leah and I would like to thank everyone for being so supportive and can't wait to introduce Jameya to such a great group of family and friends.

Take Care


Sarah and Tim said...

I hope your wait isn't much longer!

Anonymous said...

Great work.