Monday, August 13, 2007

Still here...but have booked a ticket..

Well, we are still at that means that we didn't get the visa last week :( We are HOPING for this Friday. We have actually booked a ticket for Saturday the 18th. Let's hope we can go. I don't think we can wait another week, minute or second to get Meya!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I just found your blog and have read through the entire thing in one sitting, so I am feeling a tiny bit of the pain you must be feeling at the ammount of time this has taken. I commend you both for keeping an upbeat and rather positive attitude through it all. While I can only imagine your frustration, I appreciate that you have not pointed fingers or passed blame onto anyone for what is just unfortunately a long process. I can only imagine how difficult it will be when my husband and I are finally to the "sit and wait" period of adopting our daughter from Ethiopia. My thoughts will be with you on Friday and I hope that this will be the Friday that the good news comes your way. Thank you for sharing your journey...your daughter is beautiful!
